Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New News You Never Knew

I just received a little bit more information about my internship as far as location and everything. I will be staying in Khentii which is 400 kilometers (240 miles) east of the capital Ulaanbaatar in an area of steppe land. The regional center that I will be staying at is called Onderkhan which means 'High King.' A road has recently been constructed that reaches almost the entire way so it "only takes around 5-6 hours by jeep to get there." Finally, it is the birth place of Genghis Khan! Let the warrior training begin! It seems the details are coming through and it is all piecing together with each glimpse of info that we get.

1 comment:

sadarchi yamaguchi said...

genghis khan? ah yes. this is amazing. perhaps he is one of yur ancestors and this is all destiny? train well young one, train like the arctic fox.