Sunday, January 27, 2008


On the drive to Berkh I wanted to take pictures but I realized after awhile there is not much more you can capture from the car—it is just never ending white. Then I noticed that because it is so white anything that is not snow really stands out and you can see it from so far away, whether it be a small section of brush or a lonely herdsman in the distance. It is so pure and clean. The snow that is unadulterated by dirt or soot even glistens in the suns light, it is unreal! This helped me visualize the plea David makes in Psalms 51, “wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” I have heard that a million times and sung it even more, but there is something about seeing words and making that connection in your mind. Somehow it holds greater meaning.
Speaking of having sung that phrase, this may have been in the back of my mind because recently I have been listening to Jon Foreman’s(of Switchfoot) solo album called “Winter.” He sings a beautiful, plaintive version of Psalm 51. I recommend his “Winter” and “Fall” albums as they are full of simple, reflective songs that can easily be identified with because of their earnestness and honesty.

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