Wednesday, March 5, 2008

From week 1, getting food

On Friday my supervisor looked at me, concerned, and said, “you have been eating every meal at café, I think not good, not healthy.” I laughed and explained that I didn’t even know where the market was and all the other little details that go along with that. She promptly left the room and next thing I know one of the other staff members came in and said, “Are you free right now? Yes? Ok, let’s go.” I grabbed my duffle bag to put the goods in and off we went.
When I went into the “fresh” area of the “black market” (holds a different meaning here, I promise) all I could think about was how a great deal of people that I know would be put off by the difference in hygiene standards. There were a dozen different vendors selling meat which was cut into huge chunks and sitting out in the open. If you wanted a slab you just picked it up and they weighed it, giving you the price. My piece of meat was put into a plastic bag meant for something much smaller. I really didn’t want to put it in my duffle bag since I often carry my clothes in it. My guide didn’t understand my reticence at putting it in my bag and I tried to explain. She proceeded to take it from me and put it in her purse. Horror and guilt gripped me at the same time. I felt so bad that she did that but wouldn’t let me take it back from her. I gulped and tried to move on as we filled my bag with potatoes, apples, onions and other goods.
We went to at least 3 different stores to pick up the variety of stuff. I discovered that the stuff from Russia is considered better quality than the imports from China. We finally went to one store that I made a note of because they actually listed the price on each object. Important to remember for later so I can shop on my own without someone taking me around, holding my hand and patting me on the head.
With my duffle bag full of food I felt as if I was smuggling something illegal, its contents concealed.

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