Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It is warmer today. Either that or I am getting used to the cold. I went with a few less layers and without a hat and was okay walking to the store.
Strange, but something that made me really happy came in the form of a small can of peas. They caught my eye as I walked down the aisle, somehow they seemed out of place. Finally I figured out what it was, they were imported from Thailand! The familiar circles and curves took me home for a second.
As I perused the items I picked up a package of tea. Apparently it was made with green tea leaves from the country of Georgia. There was a bit of English writing on it that made me want to laugh out loud. The part that I remember read “this tea will slake your fhirst [sic].” Slake. That’s a pretty intense guarantee right there.
I’ve been in there a bunch but the check-out clerk was amused by me. After I paid I said “bayarlla” which means “thank you.” She said it back and then in English with a laugh and an emphasis that pointed out my foreignness and demonstrated her knowledge of my language.
Side note: today someone mentioned that it’s only -5. I didn’t realize it had warmed up that much! That’s a 35 degree difference than when I first came. I don’t know how accurate it is but…

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